The UMP45's damage profile changes when using Stopping Power. The UMP45 by default is a one shot kill at any range in Hardcore game types, except on those using Painkiller, Last Stand, Final Stand, and sometimes to enemies when being shot through cover. This allows users to shoot through surfaces with most of the bullet damage being retained. The UMP45 is also unique among SMGs in that it has high penetration power, on par with the LMGs. The UMP45 is a two headshot kill up to about nineteen meters. This is easily the UMP45's biggest strength, as even without Stopping Power, the UMP45 can match or even best most assault rifles that are using Stopping Power in terms of damage per bullet, and beats almost every assault rifle that is not using Stopping Power. The UMP45 is a three shot kill at all ranges. At any range beyond twenty meters, the UMP45 will deal 35 damage per bullet. Damage decreases linearly until twenty meters. At any range short of fifteen meters, the UMP45 will deal forty damage per bullet. The UMP45 is a consistent, high damage per bullet SMG. The UMP45 is immediately available from the start of the game in the First Recon class, and is available for Create-A-Class from level 4 onwards. It is also the starting weapon used by the player on the ground during the Special Ops mission " Big Brother". It is also a randomly generated weapon for Task Force 141 members and is a starting weapon in " The Hornet's Nest" used by Gary "Roach" Sanderson with an ACOG Scope. The UMP45 is heavily used by the Spetsnaz and moderately used by Shadow Company.